November 5th

Remember remember the fifth of November 
Gunpowder, treason and plot. 
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
should ever be forgot.


Last weekend a few fellow classmates met up to create this elaborate tree stand for our Tree4ALL themed tree. Great picture taken by Dr. Brown.

Giant Gummy Bear

I saw this at Cost Plus, not only do they stock in bulk my new favorite tea Twinings English Breakfast but they also carry gigantic gummy bears in assorted flavors, and how can you go wrong with that.

Marching Band

Marching Band has its place, at a high school foot ball game and rally events. But why for the love of all things pure and decent does it exist at 6:30am!!!!! cant a guy get some peace and least until the  the sun is up????


I use to do airbrush work about every weekend regularly, now not as much. I still love the airbrush medium and pick up the guns here and there. I think this picture was taken 10 years ago (thus the small picture), I was creating Angelina's eyes for a stage prop.

Mr. Incredible

So if any of you have taken Chris Nielsen then you know about this project done in illustrator.
You take a photo of someone, in my case the person in the Mr. Incredible costume at Disneyland and completely recreate it in illustrator using no gradients, no filters, really no special effects what so ever to create amazing artwork. The blend where you see the mesh wire frame is just to show how it was constructed.

Good ol' days of RAW

A few years back... its probably more than a few years.  I use to create these huge set designs for big club events. Our team would all help build these crazy sets and I was able to paint these monstrosities. Here is a sample of one of our stage events.